Sanders Weathersby baskets a treasure

(Written for The Meteor January 21, 2019) Many people from Crystal Springs own Weathersby baskets.  Gigi Sullivan, Elizabeth Jones Horn, Betty Frizzell, Robert Sims, Susan Thomas Ware, Kay Pevey – they all have baskets made by Sanders Weathersby, and most likely there are many more.  Weathersby was a third-generation basketmaker, having learned from his grandfather, […]

September 5th Alton Parker Day – Crystal Springs native first to set foot on Antarctica

(Written for The Meteor September 3, 2018) It was Christmas day, December 25, 1928, when Maj. Alton N. Parker, a native of Crystal Springs, became the first person to set foot on Antarctica.  Parker had been on several expeditions with fellow explorer Richard Byrd.  In May 1926, Byrd and fellow pilot Floyd Bennett were the […]

Mississippi PTA founded by Crystal Springs native Bessie Lackey Stapleton

(Written for The Meteor August 27, 2018) Throughout its history, the county has had strong ties to education, especially the state’s institutions of higher learning.  For example, Major Reuben Millsaps provided the initial donation for Millsaps College, and Annie Coleman Peyton veraciously lobbied for the creation of a female college, now Mississippi University for Women […]


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